Bag 2 School | Learning for refugees

APME – Association of Plastics Manufacturers in Europe | Design competition  2002
Plastics and Mobility theme.

Conceptual Design
Personal bag with educational tools for children in need:
All over the world there are more than 22 million refugees. More than 50 percent are children under 18 years old. Most people are to be found in refugee camps in Asia and Africa under miserable conditions. In spite of this they still manage to continue their education – a road for a better future.
In order to have learning and motivation in presence the instructional materials must be in order. This is not always the case in refugee camps. Education is often taken place with old materials under trees and other shelters and the children does often not have any personal belongings.
“Bag 2 School” is a prepacked educational package contributing to solving this problem. The product is aimed at both girls and boys in the school ready age and each child will be given their own Bag 2 School package to keep.
The package consist of 2 sections; Chalk and blackboard and toys in the shape of building elements. On that way creativity and play is brought into the educational material for stimulating the children’s imagination.
“Bag 2 School” is designed to be easy and realistic to put into production. All the details and elements has been designed from the motto: As cheap as possible and at at the same time sustainable.
The bag consists of six primary elements:
A bag.
A blackboard.
A two-piece sponge with velcro.
30 Building play elements.
Two hinges.
And a carrying strap.
Simple and cheap to produce.
“Bag 2 School” is moulded in polypropylene. A cheap plastic with very good physically characteristics: Easy processing, high stiffness, low weight, very wear-resistant, multiple colours and as the most important re-useable.
©  Copyright 2002 Kenneth Lylover & Han Pham. All Rights Reserved